A little

Sitting by the window
Staring into the unknown
Thoughts came rushing by
Worries, troubles, decisions to be taken
Clearing up my mind was all I needed
A little clarity here
A little clarity there

I thought I was doing good only until I started writing this
Waiting in the bus
Thoughts came rushing by
Past mistakes thrown into the limelight
Getting over them was all I needed
A little maturity here
A little maturity there

In search of an escape route to distract myself
A trek through the mountain ranges
My photographer friend treading along
Capturing my candid moments
Oh, he did a great job!
Sitting on the rocks, watching the sunrise
Damn! The thoughts came back
Darkness was all I needed
To fill the little hole here
The little hole there

The rustling of the leaves
The silent chatter of the tractors in the distance
The irritating groan I gave out every now and then to fight the cold
The 'air' in the wind blowing against my cheek
Getting baked in the Sun
I needed more of this
A little bit here
A little bit there

A bus journey, a trek and bits and pieces of thoughts here and there
I realized that the thoughts were here to stay
After all we are from the generation of 50 Shades of Gray
All I need is
A little black here
A little white there


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